Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Souad Massi - Storyteller
سعاد ماسي - راوي

Updated media and translation

Souad Massi - Storyteller

Oh storyteller tell us a story
Make it a tale
Tell me about the people of old
Tell me about 1001 Nights
And about Lunja the daughter of the Ghoul
And about the son of the Sultan

I'm about to tell a story (I'm just told that this phrase--hajeetak majeetak--is what is said before you tell a story, I have no idea what it could mean)
Take us far from this world
I'm about to tell a story
Everyone of us has a story in his heart

Narrate and forget we're adults
In your mind we're young
Tell us about heaven and hell
About the bird that never flew in his life
Help us understand the meaning of the world

Oh storyteller, tell it just as they told you
Don't add anything, don't leave anything out
We could see into your mind
Narrate to make us forget this time
Leave us in the world of once upon a time

سعاد ماسي - راوي

يا راوي حكي حكاية
مادابك تكون رواية
حكي لي على ناس الزمان
كي لي على ألف ليلة وليلة
وعلى لنجة بنت الغولة
وعلى ولد السلطان

حانجيتك مانجيتك
دنا بعيد من هادي دنيا
حاجيتك ماجيتك
كل واحد منا في قلبه حكاية

حكي وانسى بلي احنا كبار
في بالك رانا صغار
حكي لنا على الجنة حكي لنا على النار
على طير عمره ما طار
فهمنا معانى الدنيا

يا راوي حكي كما حكوا لك
ما تزيد ما نقص من عندك
كاين نشفوا على بالك
حكي لنسينا في هاد زمان
خلينا في كان يا ما كان


  1. AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZING! I just attended her concert in Amman last Monday and it was out of this world. Now that I got all the lyrics of this song (as it's one of my favorites) I feel dazzled! Thanks for the great job. I hope you put more of her songs too.
    Keep it up!

  2. Hello! I was just wondering if you can tell me where i can find more translations for souad massi songs :)

  3. Hi: Thanks for this. Question: Granted I am not familiar w/ Algerian Arabic, but how did you get "I'm going to tell you a story" from "Hatjeetak Matjeetak"? Could you break it down for me?

  4. Do you song of Saida fikri?

  5. According to the translation on the original youtube posting "hajitak, majitak" would mean "once upon a time"... (the translation reads "start by 'once upon a time'").

    Great site btw.

  6. What's the meaning of "hadjitek / madjitek"?

    First of all, sorry about my english...

    These two words does'nt have a sense toghether, it's just a formule to begin a story based on the rythm and rhime, as said before. The literal translation could be: "I proposed you an enigma / I came not to you".

    But it's not: "Once upon a time..."
    This, in arabic, is: "kan ya ma kan...", as sang in the song.

    So, its exact for "I'm about to tell you a story..."

    Thanks for your work and greetings from morocco.

    1. Your english is great don't apologize !!! ;)

  7. Could you please tell where can i found more lyrics,translate and side to download Souad Massi songs ...??

  8. first thnx for that lyrics
    but if u can i need all her lyrics as i can't recognize it

  9. I leave you the spanish translation for "raoui" here:

    Souad Massi- Raoui (cuentacuentos)

    O cuentacuentos, cuenta una historia,
    cuenta una cuento.
    Háblame de las 1001 noches
    y de Lunja, la hija de la ogresa,
    y del hijo del sultán.

    He venido a contarte una historia
    que nos llevará lejos de este mundo.
    He venido a contarte una historia
    Cada uno de nosotros tiene una historia en su corazón.

    Cuenta y olvida que somos ya mayores,
    imagina que fuéramos niños.
    Háblame del paraíso y del infierno,
    y del pájaro que jamás ha volado,
    haz que entendamos este mundo.
    O cuentacuentos, cuéntanoslo como te lo contaron a ti,
    no añadas nada, no quites nada.
    Tú guardas la memoria.
    Cuéntanos para hacernos olvidar este tiempo,
    déjanos en el “érase una vez”...

    Greetings, Frederiki

  10. You forgot dahoud and saleh al kuwaiti they are the main part...

  11. Those words bring me back to what I have always felt was the best part of my life. Was it really? Make believe made myself and all my friends so happy. Stories that I read then brought happiness and joy into my life and I didn't put my own spin on the ideas coming to me from the printed page.

    Great song.

  12. hajeetak majeetak = Invocations of magic in Persian: "Ajji-Majji"
